The Registered Customer is responsible for any activity that is performed through his own account and is liable for damages resulting from the improper use of his access data by third parties.
Il Cliente Registrato deve informare immediatamente Vibes s.r.l.qualora esistano ragioni per ritenere che una user name (ovvero e-mail) o una password siano, o è probabile che siano, stati conosciuti da qualcuno non autorizzato a utilizzarli o è probabile che siano utilizzati in un modo non autorizzato.
Se un Cliente Registrato dimentica o perde lo user name, deve contattare Vibes s.r.l.ed effettuare i controlli di sicurezza previsti da Vibes s.r.l…
Vibes s.r.l. si riserva il diritto di sospendere user name (ovvero e-mail), nickname e password per l’accesso al Sito, qualora ritenga che ci sia –o sia probabile che ci sia– un problema di sicurezza o di utilizzo non autorizzato degli stessi.
Il Cliente Registrato è responsabile della veridicità delle informazioni e dei dati personali forniti all’atto della registrazione. Il Cliente Registrato deve immediatamente informare Vibes s.r.l. di qualunque cambiamento intervenuto nelle informazioni e nei dati personali forniti all’atto della registrazione ovvero provvedere direttamente, se possibile, al loro aggiornamento, affinché tali informazioni e dati personali siano costantemente attuali, accurati, completi e veritieri. Nel caso in cui siano forniti, ovvero Vibes s.r.l. abbia il fondato sospetto che siano stati forniti, informazioni o dati personali falsi, non accurati o incompleti, Vibes s.r.l. avrà il diritto di impedire l’utilizzo del Sito da parte del Cliente Registrato.
The Customer must not copy, modify, transmit and externally distribute, display in public, download, print or publish any part of the Site or the Contents for commercial purposes. The Site may only be used for the Client's personal purposes and in accordance with this Agreement.
L’Utente non potrà in alcun modo modificare o variare l’editing, la grafica, il lay-out o il “look and feel” di alcuna pagina web all’interno del Sito dovendosi intendere che questi verranno definiti da Vibes s.r.l. o per conto di Vibes s.r.l. a suo esclusivo giudizio. Vibes s.r.l. avrà il diritto di inserire il proprio marchio, nome commerciale, logo, ideogramma, o altro segno distintivo di Vibes s.r.l. o di terzi nonché di inserire banners pubblicitari, hyperlinks o altre forme di pubblicità a sua totale discrezione all’interno di ciascuna pagina web all’interno del Sito.
Il Cliente non deve sfruttare o utilizzare il Sito, o qualsiasi Contenuto, in modo tale da arrecare detrimento a Vibes s.r.l. o a terzi. In particolare, il Cliente ha l’obbligo di astenersi dall’utilizzare il Sito o i Contenuti per svolgere attività in concorrenza, o comunque in modo tale da arrecare danno o pregiudizio agli interessi, anche economici, ovvero all’immagine di Vibes s.r.l., di altri Clienti o di terzi.
The User is solely responsible for evaluating any Product or Service on the Site.
Vibes s.r.l. non assume alcuna responsabilità per i dati personali o le informazioni o gli altri contenuti eventualmente inviati, diffusi, caricati o scaricati dal Cliente o da qualsiasi terzo mediante il Sito. Nel caso in cui il Sito consenta al Cliente di formulare commenti o opinioni in merito a Prodotti, Servizi o funzioni resi disponibili per il tramite del Sito, il Cliente si impegna a fare in modo che detti commenti o opinioni siano riferiti specificamente all’attività dell’operatore economico oggetto di commento e fare riferimento a fatti specifici e circostanziati. Fermo quanto precede, Vibes s.r.l. si riserva il diritto di non diffondere, rimuovere dal Sito o modificare senza necessità di preavviso alcuno, qualsiasi contenuto reso disponibile dal Cliente di cui sia venuto a conoscenza, nonché qualsiasi altro contenuto comunque pubblicato da terzi che costituisca o possa costituire violazione del presente Contratto, di norme di legge imperative o di diritti di terzi ovvero nei casi in cui Vibes s.r.l. ritenga in buona fede che tali informazioni o contenuti costituiscano violazione del presente Contratto o della legge.
Il Cliente deve tenere indenne da qualunque pretesa o azione legale iniziata o minacciata contro Vibes s.r.l. da terzi in conseguenza del fatto che il Sito o sue funzioni vengano utilizzati dal Cliente in violazione del presente articolo nonché in violazione di qualsiasi altra previsione del presente Contratto.
The Customer is expressly prohibited from copying, modifying, creating works or works derived from or based on the Site, the Content, the Trademark or the software.
È fatto espresso divieto al Cliente di scaricare, copiare, riprodurre, duplicare o comunque utilizzare o diffondere il marchio Dudùu o qualsiasi marchio, nome commerciale, logo, ideogramma, o altro segno distintivo relativo a Vibes s.r.l. o i suoi prodotti.
- 1.1 Definitions
In these general conditions of sale:
"Customer" means any person, whether or not he has completed the registration procedure, who purchases one or more products through the Site, whether he is a consumer ("Consumer Customer") or professional ("Professional Customer").
“Dudùu” significa il negozio di vendita on-line, pubblicato sul sito www.duduu.eu, denominato “Dudùu” e gestito da Vibes s.r.l. con sede legale in Carinaro (CE), via fratelli Kennedy 4, capitale sociale pari a Euro 10.000,00 (diecimila/00) i.v., iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Caserta, numero di iscrizione, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA n. 04668670617. E-mail: info@vibes.it
“Site” means, the Internet site www.duduu.eu.
1.2 Seller and legislation applicable to this sales contract
Vibes s.r.l. agirà come parte venditrice di tutti i prodotti e servizi che il Cliente scelga di acquistare attraverso il Sito e di ricevere al proprio domicilio. La compravendita di prodotti e la fornitura di Servizi acquistati attraverso il Sito è disciplinata dalle presenti condizioni generali oltre che, in quanto applicabili, dalle disposizioni del Codice del Consumo e del D.Lgs. n. 70/2003 e dalle previsioni del codice civile, per quanto qui non previsto.
The offer of products that can be purchased through the Site constitutes an invitation to offer and the order sent by the Customer through the Site will be valid as a contractual purchase proposal, subject to confirmation and/or acceptance by Dudùu as described below.
The characteristics of the products and services offered on the Site are described in the specific information sheets published on the Site. We invite you to read them carefully and understand that some products, even if present on the Site, may not always or immediately be available. In the information sheet of each product it is clearly indicated whether the product you have selected is:
– “available”: significa che il prodotto è fisicamente presente nel magazzino centrale di Vibes s.r.l..
In this case, the Customer can immediately proceed with the purchase of the relative product by sending the purchase proposal, according to the methods indicated on the Site.
– “available while stocks last”: significa che il prodotto non è fisicamente presente nel magazzino centrale Vibes s.r.l.. In tal caso l’ordine inviato dal cliente potrà essere accettato solo all’esito positivo della verifica della disponibilità del prodotto che Vibes s.r.l. comunicherà al cliente a mezzo e-mail entro 4 giorni lavorativi dalla ricezione della proposta di acquisto. In caso di mancato riscontro da parte del Cliente, l’ordine si intenderà automaticamente annullato e il cliente riceverà l’integrale rimborso del prezzo eventualmente anticipato secondo la modalità di pagamento prescelta.
2.2 Confirmation of receipt of the order and relative acceptance
After sending the purchase proposal, the Customer will immediately receive an e-mail containing the confirmation of receipt from Dudùu and the identification number assigned to the purchase proposal.
Nel caso di prodotti “disponibili” la proposta di acquisto del Cliente si considererà immediatamente accettata da Vibes s.r.l. Pertanto, la e-mail di conferma di ricezione varrà come anche come conferma di accettazione. Dudùu procederà direttamente alla spedizione dei prodotti acquistati dal Cliente nei tempi e nei modi indicati nelle presenti condizioni generali.
Nel caso di prodotti “disponibili salvo esaurimento scorte”, Vibes s.r.l. invierà al Cliente nei 4 giorni successivi al ricevimento della proposta di acquisto una seconda e-mail con l’esito della verifica sulla disponibilità.
It is specified that in the case of a mixed order, i.e. containing both "available" products and products "available while stocks last" (hereinafter "Mixed Order"), the entire order will remain suspended until the positive outcome of the verification of the availability of the products indicated in the relative information sheet as "available while stocks last".
2.3 Positive outcome of the availability check and conclusion of the contract
Upon successful verification of the availability of the product, the Customer will receive an e-mail from Dudùu with which the latter will inform the Customer that the products are available and the purchase proposal will be considered accepted at that point.
2.4 Failure of the availability check
In the event of a negative outcome of the check regarding the availability of the product, il cliente riceverà una e-mail da parte di Vibes s.r.l. con la quale quest’ultima comunicherà al Cliente che i Prodotti non sono disponibili e che la proposta di acquisto non può pertanto essere accettata. In tal caso il cliente riceverà immediatamente l’integrale rimborso del prezzo eventualmente anticipato secondo la modalità di pagamento prescelta.
In caso di Ordine Misto, il Cliente potrà scegliere se procedere lo stesso con l’acquisto del/i Prodotto/i disponibile/i, oppure se annullare l’intero ordine. In assenza di istruzioni da parte del Cliente, Vibes s.r.l. procederà all’annullamento dell’intero ordine e invierà immediata richiesta di rimborso dell’importo eventualmente anticipato dal Cliente tramite il circuito di pagamento utilizzato dal Cliente in fase di invio dell’ordine.
2.5 Order status updates
In addition to the updates that will be sent by Dudùu via e-mail, the Customer will be able to check the status of his order at any time also in the appropriate dedicated section of the Site.
Any purchase by the Customer of products published in the specific "offer" section or expressly indicated as "limited offer" (or synonyms) is subject to a daily purchase limit of only one item for each Customer per day.
For some particular promotions, please refer to the relative regulation shown on the Site.
3.2 Prices
The prices of the products offered on the Site do not include VAT, and do not include any transport costs and/or other additional services that may be requested by the Customer.
The price of the services and products illustrated on the Site in the relative technical data sheets is the one in effect at the time the Customer sends the purchase proposal, as viewable by the Customer on the Site at the time of choosing the product as well as within the proposal itself.
Without prejudice to all the foregoing, Dudùu reserves the right to modify at any time, at its sole discretion and without notice, the price of the products and services present on the Site from time to time, without therefore providing any guarantee as to the fact that the sale price of the products or services remains available on the Site or unchanged for a certain period of time.
3.3 Description of the Products
The technical data sheets of the products on the Site, containing the description of the functions and characteristics of each product, are drawn up directly by the manufacturer of each product concerned.
Dudùu assumes no responsibility for any errors in the technical data sheets and/or inaccuracies and/or for defects in correspondence between the product descriptions and the actual functions and characteristics of the products themselves; the images and photos used to accompany each product description sheet are merely indicative and may not be perfectly representative of the characteristics of the product itself, as this could differ in colour, size or accessories not present in the image and in the photos used as an accompaniment.
The products purchased by the Customer through the Site can be paid alternatively, with:
- Credit card
- paypal,
- Wire transfer
(1) Credit card
In the event that the payment method chosen by the Customer is the charge on the credit card, at the moment of the conclusion of the order no charge will be made, but only the release of an authorization for the amount necessary for the purchase . The actual charge will only take place upon shipment of the product(s).
At no time during the payment procedure, Dudùu is able to know the information relating to the credit card, the credit card number or the customer's financial, patrimonial and personal information. The payment order is, in fact, transmitted - via a secure connection - directly to the portal of the bank or financial company expressly indicated, at the time of the Customer's confirmation.
Dudùu is in no case responsible and cannot be held responsible for any fraudulent or illegal use of credit cards that may be made by third parties during the product purchase and payment procedure.
Dudùu reserves the right not to accept a purchase proposal or to suspend the execution of proposals that have already been confirmed in the event of anomalies or irregularities in the payment. In this case, Dudùu reserves the right to ask the customer for additional information and/or for the sending of copies of documents proving ownership of the credit card used for the purchase. In the absence of the required documentation, Dudùu reserves the right not to accept the purchase proposal or to terminate any contract already concluded, without this giving the Customer any right to request compensation for damages or to assert other claims.
(2) Paypal
If the Customer has chosen to purchase through the PayPal payment method, at the conclusion of the order the Customer will be directed to the PayPal login page and the payment will be managed according to the rules governing the account held by the Customer directly with PayPal. In this case, therefore, the amount for the purchase of the product will be debited immediately upon sending the order by the Customer according to the conditions applied by PayPal itself.
(3) Bank Transfer
Transfer, enter only the order number in the reason for the transfer (No commission costs)
Coordinates for bank transfer made out to:
Vibes s.r.l. – Banca de Sud
IBAN: IT 41 B 03353149 0000000000 7137
BIC CODE (payment from abroad): SUDNITN1011 (for this type of payment it takes about 3-5 working days to verify the credit).
4.2 Payment security
In the case of payments made online, the data provided by the Customer is transmitted in secure ways that prevent others from reading it.
In addition to the foregoing, the application software used to manage the Site is the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol, to encrypt data sent over the Internet and VerifiedByVISA and SecureCard for transaction security.
To ensure you have a secure connection, you must use a browser such as Internet Explorer (5.x and later), Netscape Navigator (4.x and later), Mozilla Firefox (1.x and later), Opera, Safari or Chrome capable of transmit encrypted data through the Dudùu server.
To find out if you are in a secure connection, simply check that there is the prefix "https" instead of "http" in the page address, and that the padlock image visible in the bottom bar of the browser is "closed" .
Dudùu will deliver the products to the address indicated by the Customer in the purchase order.
5.2 Delivery times and stock
The Products indicated as "available" will be delivered within the deadline indicated in the relevant product sheet and/or in the purchase proposal acceptance confirmation e-mail, and in any case no later than 10 (ten) working days from the sending of the order. e-mail confirming acceptance of the purchase offer.
As a partial exception to the foregoing, if the Customer, together with the purchase of products, has also requested the supply of installation services and the collection of used waste (WEEE), the products will be delivered within 15 (fifteen) working days from sending the order confirmation email.
Per i prodotti indicati come “disponibili salvo esaurimento scorte”, così come nel caso di Ordine Misto, il tempo indicativo di consegna a domicilio, sarà quello indicato nell’e-mail di accettazione della proposta di acquisto dei prodotti indicati come “disponibili salvo esaurimento scorte”. In ogni caso, ai sensi dell’art. 61, comma 1 del Codice del Consumo, Dudùu effettuerà la consegna entro e non oltre il termine di trenta giorni decorrenti dal giorno successivo a quello in cui il Cliente ha trasmesso la proposta di acquisto a Vibes s.r.l.
In the event that the products cannot be delivered within the terms indicated in the preceding paragraphs, Dudùu will contact the customer within 2 (two) working days of the expiry of the indicated term, providing information on the status of the shipment, without prejudice to the Customer's right obtaining the refund and the further remedies provided for by art. 61, paragraphs 3-7 of the Consumer Code.
In case of purchase of multiple products of different types, Dudùu reserves the right to deliver the individual products with different times and deliveries. This choice by Dudùu will not entail any additional costs for the Customer.
5.3 Verification of the products by the Customer
The customer is required to verify, upon receipt of the ordered products:
(a) if the number of packages delivered corresponds to that indicated on the transport document;
(b) if the packaging is intact;
(c) if the delivered product complies with your purchase order.
The customer must sign the delivery note indicating "subject to checking the integrity of the products"; if this does not happen, the customer will not be able to subsequently contest the external non-compliance of the Product and its quantity with respect to what was ordered.
5.5 Invoice
The invoice relating to the products (and related services) purchased through the Site will be issued at the time of shipment and will be made available to the Customer directly online. Registered customers will be able to download it from the "My orders" tab of their account dashboard, while guest customers will be able to download it by entering the order number and their e-mail address in the appropriate section called 'order status'.
For orders involving multiple products, separate invoices may be issued based on the shipments made.
The invoice relating to products booked through the Site but collected and purchased by the user at a Point of Sale will instead be issued by the seller at the time of purchase and will be delivered to the customer directly at the Point of Sale itself.
5.6 Shipping fees
An amount by way of shipping costs may be added to the price of the product purchased by the Customer through the Site. This amount is calculated automatically by the Dudùu system, taking into account, among others, the weight and dimensions of the products, but without distinctions related to the place of delivery in Italy. This amount will be indicated in the purchase order before it is sent by the customer.
5.8 Non-availability of a product
Dudùu undertakes to do everything possible for the satisfaction of its Customers and for a rapid and efficient processing of orders sent through the Site. However, it may exceptionally happen that a product indicated as "available" and for which the Customer has paid time of sending the order, is no longer available at the time of acceptance of the purchase proposal by Dudùu. In this case Dudùu will immediately notify the Customer via e-mail. Against this disservice, and in addition to the legal remedies, the Customer will also receive a coupon from Dudùu. In this case, the determination of the value of the coupon and/or the product categories for which it is valid will be evaluated by Dudùu in relation to the circumstances of the individual purchase. The same procedure will also apply to Mixed Orders and to orders relating to products "available while stocks last", for which the Customer has made the payment once he has received acceptance of the purchase proposal from Dudùu, in the event it appears that one or more products covered by the order have become unavailable.
6.1 Professional Client
The products purchased by a Professional Customer (i.e. a natural or legal person who acts in the exercise of his business, commercial, craft or professional activity, or his intermediary) are covered by the guarantee for defects pursuant to art. 1490 et seq. cc; the action of the Professional Customer aimed at asserting the guarantee for defects is prescribed after 1 (one) year from the delivery of the purchased product and the relative defects must be reported within the terms of art. 1495 of the civil code
6.2 Consumer Client
The products purchased by a Consumer Customer instead benefit - free of charge - from the legal guarantee of conformity ("Legal Guarantee") provided for by articles 128 et seq. of the Consumer Code.
The seller's legal guarantee applies to lack of conformity which occurs within 24 months from the date of delivery of the product and which is reported by the consumer within 2 months following the date of discovery of the defects themselves, in accordance with art. 132 of the Consumer Code.
It should be noted that a lack of conformity exists when one of the following situations occurs: (i) the product is not suitable for the use for which it must normally serve; (ii) does not conform to the description or does not possess the qualities promised by the seller; (iii) does not offer the usual qualities and performance of goods of the same type; (iv) is not suitable for the particular use desired by the consumer if brought to the attention of the seller at the time of purchase and accepted by the seller.
The Consumer Customer will in any case remain the owner of the rights deriving from the Legal Guarantee described above, regardless of the signing of other guarantees of a conventional type, free or for a fee.
6.3 Remedies available to the Consumer Customer
In the event of the existence of a lack of conformity, the Consumer Customer may request, at his choice, the repair of the product or its replacement, unless the remedy requested is objectively impossible or excessively onerous compared to the other according to the provisions of art. . 130 paragraph 4 of the Consumer Code.
In particular, a remedy is to be considered excessively onerous if it imposes unreasonable expenses on the seller compared to the other, taking into account: (i) the value that the goods would have if there were no lack of conformity; (ii) the extent of the lack of conformity; (iii) of the possibility that the alternative remedy can be carried out without significant inconvenience for the Consumer Customer.
Dudùu, in order to make the after-sales assistance service of a high level and absolutely transparent, undertakes, on a voluntary basis, to have the defective product repaired or replaced within 40 (forty) days from the request for assistance under warranty. Alternatively, the Consumer Customer may request, at his choice, an appropriate reduction in the price or termination of the contract, where one of the following situations occurs: (i) the repair or replacement is impossible or excessively expensive; (ii) Dudùu has not repaired or replaced the Product within the term of 40 (forty) days; (iii) the replacement or repair previously carried out has caused significant inconvenience. A minor lack of conformity for which it was not possible or excessively burdensome to carry out the remedies of repair or replacement, does not give the right to terminate the contract.
Dopo che Vibes s.r.l. avrà ricevuto la denuncia del difetto di conformità, essa potrà offrire al Cliente Consumatore eventuali altri rimedi disponibili, con i seguenti effetti:
(i) if the Consumer Customer has already requested a specific remedy, Dudùu will remain obliged to implement it, with the necessary consequences in relation to the start of the 40 (forty) day term referred to above, subject to acceptance by the Consumer Customer of the alternative remedy proposed;
(ii) if the Consumer Customer has not already requested a specific remedy, he may accept the proposal or reject it by choosing another of the remedies provided by law.
- 4 Cases of exclusion of the Legal Guarantee
The Legal Guarantee will instead be excluded, in accordance with the applicable law, if:
(i) the products have been repaired or altered by persons other than the manufacturer, Dudùu or any other authorized person; and/or
(ii) the lack of conformity of the product or products has occurred beyond the term of 2 (two) years from the delivery of the product itself and/or the relative request for repair or replacement of the defective product or defective products has been sent after 2 (two) months from the discovery of the defect; and/or
(iii) i difetti siano dovuti (in tutto od in parte) a cattivo uso, improprio uso o conservazione o manutenzione o installazione, eseguita da persone diverse dal produttore, da Vibes s.r.l. o da qualsiasi altro soggetto autorizzato – ovvero inosservanza delle istruzioni fornite dal produttore od altra istruzione fornita da Dudùu assieme ai Prodotti consegnati; e/o
(iv) at the time of conclusion of the contract, the Consumer Customer was aware of the defect and could not ignore it with ordinary diligence; and/or
(v) the lack of conformity derives from instructions or materials provided by the Consumer Customer.
6.5 How to activate the Legal Guarantee
The Legal Guarantee must be asserted directly against Dudùu, in the case of the sale of products purchased through the Site with home delivery. The Customer can assert the Legal Guarantee by telephone by contacting Customer Assistance on 02-61317291, by e-mail at customerservice@Dudùu.com or by sending your request by filling in the form. The personnel in charge will provide the Customer with all the necessary information regarding the conditions and procedures for using the Legal Guarantee.
Al contrario, nel caso in cui Il Cliente abbia scelto di ritirare e acquistare i prodotti prenotati attraverso il Sito presso uno dei Punti Vendita Dudùu e/o in uno dei Punti Vendita Affiliati indicati sul Sito, la garanzia potrà essere fatta valere esclusivamente nei confronti del gestore del Punto Vendita, sia esso Vibes s.r.l. o altro soggetto terzo affiliato, a seconda di chi avrà agito quale venditore dei prodotti difettosi, così come indicato nello scontrino di vendita e/o nella fattura d’acquisto rilasciati dal Punto Vendita al momento dell’acquisto, secondo le procedure previste per il relativo acquisto.
In the case of separate delivery of several products, ordered by the Consumer Customer with a single order, the term of 14 (fourteen) days for exercising the right of withdrawal starts from the day on which the last good is delivered.
7.2 The Consumer Customer must communicate the intention to withdraw from the contract in one of the following ways:
(a) by mail by filling out the withdrawal form in the section customer service;
(b) or by fax to 0543/725205 or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the address:
Vibes s.r.l.
Via Kennedy brothers, 4
81032 – Carinaro (CE).
To the Customer Care Office
(c) by filling in and sending the standard form compliant with annex B of Legislative Decree 21/2014 available at this link in pdf version or any other written declaration that shows the intention to withdraw from the contract.
7.3 Dudùu will confirm to the Consumer Customer without delay, via e-mail to the e-mail address communicated during the purchase procedure on the Site, receipt of the declaration of withdrawal exercised and will provide the Customer with instructions for proceeding with the return of the relative/ the product(s).
7.4 In compliance with the provisions of article 59, lett. c) and d) of the Consumer Code, the Consumer Customer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal for products made to measure or clearly personalized or which are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly.
7.5 Furthermore, the right of withdrawal does not apply to audiovisual products and computer software products originally sealed and opened by the consumer, nor to sealed goods that do not lend themselves to being returned for hygienic or health protection reasons that have been opened after the delivery.
Regarding the state of the goods, they must be in a normal state of conservation. The consumer is only liable for the decrease in value resulting from handling other than the "normal" one and necessary to verify the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
7.6 I prodotti per cui viene esercitato il diritto di recesso devono essere restituiti entro 14 giorni dal giorno in cui il Cliente Consumatore ha comunicato la volontà di recedere, sostanzialmente integri, nella loro confezione originale, completi degli accessori e degli eventuali manuali, senza alcuna mancanza, al seguente indirizzo: Vibes s.r.l., via Schiaparelli, 31 47122 Forlì (FC).
7.7 The transport costs for returning the products are charged to the Customer, as provided for by article 57, paragraph 1, of the Consumer Code.
7.8 Dudùu provvederà al rimborso del prezzo versato dal Cliente Consumatore entro 14 giorni dal ricevimento dei prodotti restituiti e previa verifica dello stato dei medesimi, utilizzando lo stesso metodo di pagamento utilizzato dal Cliente Consumatore al momento dell’acquisto. Vibes s.r.l. I tempi di riaccredito della somma versata saranno quelli applicati dal circuito di pagamento utilizzato dal Cliente in fase di ordinazione del prodotto.
7.9 The right of withdrawal is excluded and, therefore, the preceding paragraphs do not apply with regard to Contracts concluded with Professional Clients.
7.10 The right of withdrawal is excluded due to the customization of the products envisaged pursuant to art. 59 paragraph 1 letter c) and e) of Legislative Decree 206/2005 (so-called 'Consumer Code').
For clarity, any modification and/or update made as above will not affect Contracts already concluded with Clients prior to the implementation of such modification or update.
In the event that any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any competent court, supervisory authority or administrative authority, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will not be affected.
eCommerce Manager
Vibes s.r.l.
Via Kennedy brothers, 4
81032 – Carinaro (CE).
10.2 For any dispute relating to the validity, effectiveness, interpretation or execution of each Contract as well as, in general, relating to navigation on the Site by the Professional Customer or to the use of any function made available to the Professional Customer through the Website, he will be competent exclusively the Forum of north Naples.
11.2 If the attempt at conciliation fails, the dispute will be referred to the competent judicial authority of the court of residence or elective domicile of the Customer-Consumer.
11.3 In any case, the right of the Customer-Consumer to appeal to the competent judge of his place of residence or elective domicile remains unaffected, whatever the outcome of the mediation procedure. The jurisdiction of this forum is mandatory and cannot be waived in any way.
Professional Client
Consumer Client
The Legal Guarantee to be paid by the seller applies to conformity defects which occur within 24 months from the date of delivery of the Product and which are reported by the consumer within 2 months following the date of discovery of the defects themselves, in accordance with art. . 132 of the Consumer Code.
It should be noted that a lack of conformity exists when one of the following situations occurs: (i) the product is not suitable for the use for which it must normally serve; (ii) does not conform to the description or does not possess the qualities promised by the seller; (iii) does not offer the usual qualities and performance of goods of the same type; (iv) is not suitable for the particular use desired by the consumer if brought to the attention of the seller at the time of purchase and accepted by the seller.
The Consumer Customer will in any case remain the owner of the rights deriving from the Legal Guarantee described above, regardless of the signing of other guarantees of a conventional type, free or for a fee.
Remedies available to the Consumer Customer
In particular, a remedy is to be considered excessively onerous if it imposes unreasonable expenses on the seller compared to the other, taking into account: (i) the value that the goods would have if there were no lack of conformity; (ii) the extent of the lack of conformity; (iii) of the possibility that the alternative remedy can be carried out without significant inconvenience for the Consumer Customer.
Vibes s.r.l., al fine di rendere un servizio di assistenza post-vendita di alto livello ed assolutamente trasparente, si impegna, su base volontaria, a far eseguire la riparazione o a sostituire il Prodotto difettoso entro 40 (quaranta) giorni dalla richiesta di assistenza in garanzia. In subordine, il Cliente Consumatore potrà richiedere, a sua scelta, una congrua riduzione del prezzo o la risoluzione del contratto, ove ricorra una delle seguenti situazioni: (i) la riparazione o la sostituzione siano impossibili o eccessivamente onerose; (ii) Vibes s.r.l. non abbia provveduto alla riparazione o alla sostituzione del Prodotto entro il termine di 40 (quaranta) giorni; (iii) la sostituzione o la riparazione precedentemente effettuata abbia recato notevoli inconvenienti. Un difetto di conformità di lieve entità per il quale non è stato possibile o è eccessivamente oneroso esperire i rimedi della riparazione o della sostituzione, non dà diritto alla risoluzione del contratto.
Dopo che Vibes s.r.l. avrà ricevuto la denuncia del difetto di conformità, essa si riserva di offrire al Cliente Consumatore eventuali altri rimedi disponibili, con i seguenti effetti:
(i) qualora il Cliente Consumatore abbia già richiesto uno specifico rimedio, Vibes s.r.l. resterà obbligata ad attuarlo, con le necessarie conseguenze in ordine alla decorrenza del termine di 40 (quaranta) giorni di cui sopra, salvo accettazione da parte del Cliente Consumatore del rimedio alternativo proposto;
(ii) if the Consumer Customer has not already requested a specific remedy, he will have to accept the proposal or reject it by choosing another of the remedies provided by law.
Cases of exclusion of the Legal Guarantee
(i) i Prodotti siano stati riparati o alterati da persone diverse dal produttore, da Vibes s.r.l. o da qualsiasi altro soggetto autorizzato; e/o
(ii) the lack of conformity of the Product or Products occurred beyond the term of 2 (two) years from delivery of the Product and/or the relative request for repair or replacement of the defective Product or defective Products was sent after 2 (two) months from the discovery of the defect; and/or
(iii) i difetti siano dovuti (in tutto od in parte) a cattivo uso, improprio uso o conservazione o manutenzione o installazione, eseguita da persone diverse dal produttore, da Vibes s.r.l. o da qualsiasi altro soggetto autorizzato – ovvero inosservanza delle istruzioni fornite dal produttore od altra istruzione fornita da Vibes s.r.l. assieme ai Prodotti consegnati; e/o
(iv) at the time of conclusion of the Contract, the Consumer Customer was aware of the defect and could not ignore it with ordinary diligence; and/or
(v) the lack of conformity derives from instructions or materials provided by the Consumer Customer.
Operating procedures to enforce the Legal Guarantee
The Legal Guarantee can be enforced:
(ii) by email . Alternatively, the Customer can contact the store by telephone, or contact Customer Service by sending his request by e-mail support@duduuis.com
The personnel in charge will provide the Customer with the necessary information regarding the conditions and procedures for using the Legal Guarantee.
Return and right of withdrawal
The decision to exercise the right of withdrawal must be communicated by the Consumer Customer within 14 calendar days of receipt of the Product; in the case of separate delivery of several goods, ordered by the Consumer Customer with a single order, the fourteen-day term for exercising the right of withdrawal starts from the day on which the last good is delivered.
Within the aforementioned 14-day period, the Consumer Customer must communicate the intention to withdraw from the contract in one of the following ways:
Sending the standard form compliant with the annex. B of Legislative Decree 21/2014 available at this link in pdf version, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the address:
Vibes s.r.l.
Via Kennedy brothers, 4
81032 – Carinaro (CE).
To the Customer Care Office
or via email support@duduuis.com
Sending any other explicit declaration of the decision to withdraw from the Contract by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the address:
Vibes s.r.l.
Via Kennedy brothers, 4
81032 – Carinaro (CE).
To the Customer Care Office
or via email support@duduuis.com
The notice of withdrawal must specify the intention to withdraw from the purchase (it is not necessary to specify the reasons) and the Product or Products for which you intend to exercise the right of withdrawal, attaching a copy of the documentation proving the purchase.
Vibes s.r.l. comunica al Cliente Consumatore senza indugio una conferma di ricevimento, via e-mail all’indirizzo di posta elettronica comunicato nel corso della procedura di acquisto sul Sito, del recesso esercitato.
In compliance with the provisions of article 59, lett. c) and d) of the Consumer Code, the Consumer Customer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal for Products made to measure or clearly personalized or which are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly. Furthermore, he cannot exercise the withdrawal in relation to sealed computer software that has been opened after delivery (Article 59 letter i) of the Consumer Code).
The Products for which the right of withdrawal is exercised must be returned within fourteen days from the day on which the Consumer Customer communicated the exercise of the right of withdrawal, substantially intact, in their original packaging, complete with accessories and any manuals, without no lack.
The right of withdrawal does not apply to audiovisual products and computer software products originally sealed and opened by the consumer, nor to sealed goods that do not lend themselves to being returned for hygienic or health protection reasons that have been opened after delivery. .
Regarding the state of the goods, they must be in a normal state of conservation. The consumer is only liable for the decrease in value resulting from handling other than the "normal" one and necessary to verify the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
If the Product was purchased online, it will be possible to go to one of our stores and ask for the return directly in the store.
In order to return the products, it will be necessary to go to the store with the withdrawal form containing the RMA number, the product and the proof of purchase (invoice).
If the customer has multiple products, he will receive an RMA for each product to be returned: this authorization can be received through the duduuis.com site at the email support@duduuis.it.
The only costs payable by the Consumer Customer for exercising the right of withdrawal are the direct costs of returning the goods, as provided for by article 57, paragraph 1, of the Consumer Code.
Una volta ricevuta la richiesta di recesso, Vibes s.r.l. provvederà alla restituzione dell’intero importo versato dal Cliente Consumatore entro il termine di quattordici giorni dalla data in cui il Cliente Consumatore ha esercitato il diritto di recesso, mediante riaccredito sul conto corrente utilizzato al momento dell’acquisto. Vibes s.r.l. si riserva il diritto di trattenere il rimborso finché non abbia ricevuto i Prodotti oggetto del diritto di recesso, oppure finché il Cliente Consumatore non abbia dimostrato di aver rispedito i beni, a seconda di quale situazione si verifichi prima.
Qualora invece non siano rispettati le modalità, le condizioni ed i termini per l’esercizio del diritto di recesso, come specificato in questo articolo, il Cliente Consumatore non avrà diritto al rimborso delle somme già versate. In tal caso, il Cliente Consumatore potrà riottenere, a sue spese, il Prodotto nello stato in cui è stato restituito a Vibes s.r.l.. In caso contrario, Vibes s.r.l. (o il Punto Vendita Affiliato, a seconda del caso) potrà trattenere i Prodotti restituiti, oltre a tutte le somme già corrisposte dal Cliente Consumatore per il relativo acquisto. Le spese di spedizione e trasporto sono poste a carico del Cliente.
Exclusion of the right of withdrawal
There are 4 steps:
- creating and sending the complaint
- agreement on the resolution body
- handling of the complaint by the resolution body
- resolution and closure of the complaint.