Do you still have some gifts to give?

 Sorprendi tutti con un regalo Hi-Tech e personalizzalo come vuoi.
Arrivano le esclusive GIFT CARDS adatte ad ogni occasione da inviare alle persone che ami!


You are free to choose the amount of the gift from the available denominations, and you can also personalize the product with the name of the person you want.


After the purchase, an e-mail or a whatsapp message will arrive with your personalized dedication and the theme of the anniversary to celebrate.


We have reserved a gift for you too! By purchasing a Duduù gift card, you too will receive one worth between 5 and 20 euros which you can spend directly in the shop.

 Cosa aspetti? Scegli subito quella adatta a te!

Gift Cards


Epiphany Gift Card


Christmas Gift Card


Birthday Gift Card


Dudùu x Algaxia

Dudùu per l’ambiente con la Green Gift Card

Dudùu has always been concerned with the environment by committing itself to the eco-sustainability of its products, consistent with this philosophy we wanted to do something more. We thought one Gift Card Green, for each Gift Card of this type purchased, in addition to all the advantages of the other Gift Cards, in addition, Duduù will plant a tree in the world with your name, in collaboration with our partner Algaxia.
Insomma il regalo si fa in tre! Per te, per chi vuoi bene e per l’ambiente.

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