

Privacy, security and innovation: XL Keyless

Totally open systems with connections capable of uniting the most diverse devices and sensors, variables that we can no longer even calculate and a continuous digital transformation of our surroundings.

It is in this particular context (from which we are almost swallowed up) that cyber risks increase as does our need for protection and the need for privacy and security.

Talking about 'cyber security' today does not mean looking at a specific aspect of the subject, but involving more and more areas and sectors in the discourse

The inability to react to these difficulties has meant that, over time, the targets of those who tend to constantly attack security have shifted to include private citizens.

A glaring example of cyber risks was the Cambridge Analytica case in which the hacked accounts (around 500,000) and the data processed were not merely corporate, but personal.

Prospects for 2019: the risks of digital and beyond

In 2019, the need for privacy and security and, in this scenario, the roles played by AI, IOT and, above all, the innovation capacity of companies will be crucial.  

The world around us is increasingly connected and intelligent, but not inviolable or not vulnerable. The risk of these objects being used as new access points for data breaches is obvious.

Possible salvation: AI and the IOT as a defence strategy

Paradoxically, those dealing with cyber security will be increasingly confronted with problems arising from the use of AI and the IOT, and it is all about knowing how to transport them from problem-solvers to problem-solvers. 


Dudu, privacy and security

If there is one thing we certainly did when designing our power stations, it was to combine design with technology, aiming for innovation and always looking beyond. That is why even a detail as simple as the lock on the storage boxes for the devices became an object, a motif and a focus of innovation.

XL Keyless

The customised, coded electronic lock allows you to provide a charging service that is more convenient for the user and practical for you. Not only because of the convenience of no longer having to have the thought of a key, but also because of the security guarantee provided by the very high number of possible combinations.


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